If you have any documents, please scan them (as high quality output) in PDF format.
Then you can upload to https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/njxh194nwxjcya14bkqpl/AB7tKHu8B8y1INZA0GC6l5E?rlkey=xfn623a5h6kb1ymwoo5f7hysy&st=8o5v09w5&dl=0
For floppy disks, please create disk images and for CD-ROMs make an ISO image. Then, you can upload your files as cited to left.
If you possess 'THE WORD Processor' on Apple, CP/M, Commodore 64, TRS 80, and Kaypro platforms, please create readable disk images (appropriate for the platform hardware). Then, you can upload your files as cited to left.
If you want me to scan your documents or create disk/CD images, please e-mail me to arrange for mailing or shipping so I can do it and I will return materials to you after I am completed.
The fastest way to find a solution to any problem is to review this list of questions. Other users may have already encountered the problem you are trying to resolve. If you cannot find an answer here, send us an email at the bottom of this page.
Q1: What is the current release version number?
We are currently shipping version 7.1.
Q2: How do I get the latest updated revision of the program?
The Update from the Web command (on the Help menu) is available until 05/01/18. It will download the latest revision and automatically install it on your computer. After that date, update is no longer available. If you downloaded and saved the installation program, you can use it to install the last release.
Q3: What do I do when a file or table is missing?
Q3: What do I do when a Bible text window is blank?
Select the Install New Products command (on the Help menu). At the bottom of the dialog, choose the button to Re-install the Files for all Add-on Products.
Q4: Do I need to backup my files?
Most of our files are static (they never change). Your original CD can be used to restore any original file. Detailed instructions are available to backup your personal study files or any modifications you have made.
Q5: How do I install a new add-on product?
Your CD includes all of our products. Each product is locked. When you purchase a product, you will receive a product code that unlocks that product. Select the Install New Products command (on the Help menu). The dialog will show a list of all study aids available on your CD. Select any product and enter your product code for immediate installation.
Q6: What operating systems do your programs require?
Our software programs are designed to be used with PCs running Windows 10, 8, 7, XP. Many of our users have 64-bit operating systems.
Q7: Do you support the MAC with Virtual PC?
We have customers who are currently using our Windows programs on the MAC using Virtual PC. No problems have been reported to us. However, we do not have the equipment or the expertise to provide support for the MAC.
Q8: The Setup program does not run automatically when I put in my CD!
If there is a Bible folder already on your hard disk, the Setup program does not automatically run. You can choose the Run command and enter the drive id of your CD-ROM to start the Setup program (Example: D:Setup). Or you may prefer to use My Computer to display the list of files on the CD and double-click on the Setup program.
Q9: Can the Bible text be voiced using text to speech software?
Yes, we have many users who work with JAWS to listen to the Bible text. We recommend you select the Preferences command (on the File menu) and choose the option to Show Only a Single Verse. This will give you better control over what you hear on each window.
Q10: My personal comments are gone. What happened?
Select the Preferences command (on the File menu). This dialog tells the program where to find every type of file. Personal Commentary defaults to C:\BIBLE\PERSONAL\ but you can set it to any path you want. Use My Computer to see if COMMENTS.TWP is in this folder. If it is not there, find your backup copy and paste it into this folder. If no file is found in this folder, Verse Search will automatically create a new file with all the necessary format, ready for you to enter your first comment.
Q11: I lost my list of Product Codes!
Select the Update from the Web command (on the Help menu) and update to the latest revision. Select the Install New Products command (on the Help menu) and click on the Product Codes button. Hold down the Alt key and press the PrintScreen key to copy the list to the clipboard. Open Microsoft Word and paste the list into a blank document and then print it.
Q12: How do I install on a new computer with no CD and no Codes?
If you have a working copy on your old computer, copy the C:\BIBLE folder (and all of its subfolders) to a flash drive or a CD. Move the drive to your new computer and copy the C:\BIBLE folder to your new computer.
Q13: Verse Search is installed, but there is no Bible icon on my desktop!
Use My Computer to display the list of files in the Bible folder on your hard disk (usually C:\Bible). Scroll down to the bottom of the list until you find the VSWIN application file (with a yellow cross icon). Right click the mouse on this file and drag it to your desktop and drop it. The context menu will have a command to create a shortcut on your desktop.
Source: http://www.VerseSearcher.com/support.html (2017)
Step 1: Reset all options to their default values.
If the Verse Search program aborts, re-start your computer and try again. If the program continues to abort, download the Reset program. Run this program to restore all options to their default settings.
Step 2: Re-install damaged files.
Problems can occur when the files on your computer become corrupted or deleted. The general solution to almost any problem is to select the Install New Products command (on the Help menu). At the bottom of the dialog, choose the button to Re-install the Files for all Add-on Products.
Step 3: Check the path names.
Select the Preferences command (on the File menu). This dialog shows where the program will look for each file. If you have moved the files to a different location, change the paths in this dialog to show where the files can be found.
Source: http://www.VerseSearcher.com/support.html (2017)
Static Files
Most of our files are static (they never change). Your original CD can be used to restore any original files, so there is no need for you to backup these files.
Personal Study Files
Some files are created by you and can be backed up.
Files Contents
Files you have modified.
If you have modified any of these files, you may want to back them up.
Files Contents
Source: http://www.versesearcher.com/Backup.html (2017)
Greek Transliterator
Hebrew Transliterator
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Christian Classics Library
Matthew Henry Commentary
Torrey's Topical Bible
Nave's Topical Bible
Chronological Bible
Major Bible Themes
Vine's Dictionary
Chain Reference
30th Anniversary Special Offer
$99.95 *
* Current Customers Only
To express thanks for your 30 years support,
if you have purchased some of these study
aids in the past, you can now complete your
set for only $99.95.
These study aids can be added to the
Bible Study Pak individually, or as a set.
They work together as an integrated family
of Bible study software.
Source: http://www.VerseSearcher.com/studyaids.html (2017)
The GREEK transliterator includes Strong's Reference Numbers associated with the English words of the New Testament. This allows you to associate an English word with its Greek origins. Click on a word in the English text and find the Greek root and the definition of that word in a Greek dictionary.
Strong's Numbering System
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance created a list of every word in the original Greek text, sorted the list in order and numbered the words. These numbers are assigned to the English words in the Bible to identify their Greek roots.
Strong's Dictionary
Strong's includes a dictionary entry for each Greek word. Each entry includes the Greek transliteration (in English syllable form) and the meaning of this word to the original Greek reader.
Find Strong's Numbers
Search the Bible for every occurrence of a specific Greek word. You can see from these verses the variety of English translations for each Greek word.
Englishman's Concordance
Englishman's Concordance displays a portion of every verse that contains the same Greek root word. This allows for easy reading of the variety of translations into English.
Word Origin
Some words in both English and Greek are common and are always translated in the same way. For other words, the equivalence across languages is not that precise and variations in translation are valid. The transliterators include the option to generate a word origin analysis.
A word origin study can be requested two ways. Find all occurrences of an English word or phrase and count the Greek origins from which this English was translated. Or find all occurrences of a Greek word and count the various English words it was translated to.
R.A.Torrey documents the major topics of the Bible and ties together the major verses that apply to that topic.
This is a dictionary of English words describing their original Greek or Hebrew sources with a full description of their meanings to the original Greek or Hebrew audience. Written entirely in English with Greek or Hebrew transliterations.
The HEBREW transliterator includes Strong's Reference Numbers associated with the English words of the Old Testament. This allows you to associate an English word with its Hebrew origins. Click on a word in the English text and find the Hebrew root and the definition of that word in a Hebrew dictionary.
Lewis Sperry Chafer wrote one of the greatest reference works, titled Major Bible Themes. He described the key theological doctrines of the Christian faith and recorded the specific Bible verses upon which they were based. This reference work is now available as an integral part of your computer Bible study tools. Choose any doctrine from the index including Sanctification, Justification, Trinity, Prophecy, Angels, Satan, Salvation, etc. That doctrine will be explained side by side with the Bible text.
The Major Bible Themes product can be a starting point for your own index of personal topical notes on key subjects in the Bible. The index and the text are both modifiable. You may choose to add your own topics and notes or modify the ones written by the original author, Lewis Sperry Chafer.
This is the most widely used of all Bible Commentaries. It is a practical and devotional work written by a man who has been described as one of the greatest commentators of all time. Matthew Henry (born in 1662) described his work as "methodized and practical expositions... in plain and homely dress." Its purpose, he said, was "to promote knowledge of the Scriptures, in order to reform men's hearts and lives." He conducted family prayers in his home at the beginning and the end of the day. Probably these daily expositions, amended by the questions and comments from his family, were the basis for this commentary. Some of the comments and unforgettable phrases have become familiar to all English speaking people through the wide-spread use of this work by pastors. Many of the interpretations of the Word of God have helped to create and strengthen the standards of morality by which the Christian may shape and direct his life.
Orville Nave compiled this reference work while serving as a Chaplain in the United States Army. The object of his work is to bring together under familiar headings all that the Bible contains on particular subjects. This is a comprehensive digest of over 20,000 topics and subtopics with more than 100,000 associated Scripture references. Select any topic from the list and browse through the subtopics and verse references that document every verse in the Bible related to your chosen topic.
A Chain Reference is similar to the center column in your printed Bible. It contains references to other verses in the Bible that help to explain the verse you are currently studying. It uses the Bible to study the Bible. Each chain reference marks other verses that deal with the same idea or uses similar words or contrasts ideas. The Chain Reference displays the chain of related verses side by side for ease of understanding their common chain of thought.
This treasury assigns to a verse in the Bible, a list of other verses that are related. It includes over 500,000 scripture references and parallel passages. There is no other commentary on the Bible so helpful in interpreting the Bible as the Bible itself. There is not a difficult passage in the Bible that is not explained and made clear by other passages of the Bible, and this treasury is marvelously useful in bringing to light those other parts of the Bible that throw light upon the portion that is being studied. Compare scripture with scripture and see how what Paul says fits in to what Jesus said, and John said, and Isaiah said. See how every doctrine of the New Testament regarding Christ is enfolded in the writings of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. This valuable reference work is a monument to the untiring efforts of Bible scholars in years gone by. Preachers, Sunday school teachers, laymen...all who seek a more thorough understanding of the Bible will find it an invaluable asset.
The Bible was written over a period of thousands of years by a variety of authors. The events described in the Bible are not in chronological sequence. Some events are covered in more than one place in the Bible by more than one author. The purpose of the Chronological Bible is to present the text of the Bible in its proper sequence in time. Each event is organized in a time sequenced outline and keyed to the scripture text. You will be able to study all of the verses that deal with the same event or time period.
A library of great Christian documents including sermons, creeds, novels, theological treatises and instruction from the Christian world view authored by the greatest writers of Christian history.
Pilgrim's Progress, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners, Orthodoxy, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, Book of Martyrs, Bible Names Dictionary, Imitation of Christ, Paradise Lost, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, The Practice of the Presence of God, Large Catechism, The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life, All of Grace, Westminster Confession, Creeds of the Early Church
The Bible Study Pak (for new users) includes all of the software programs listed below:
Verse Search
Bible Maps
Bible Timeline
Bible Dictionary
Personal Commentary
Topical Cross Reference
People Cross Reference
Bible Outlines (book by book)
Librarian (to preserve your studies)
Daily Bible Reading Schedule
Morning & Evening Devotional
One Bible translation (your choice)
Source: http://www.VerseSearcher.com/studypak.html (2017)
Verse Search is the cornerstone of an integrated family of Bible study tools. Use it to search for anything, anywhere, instantly!
A Simple Word Search
The simplest, fastest way to find any word in the Bible instantly! Highlight any word and click on Instant Find. A list will be instantly displayed of every verse in the Bible that contains that word.
Search for Anything
Choose from a list that contains every unique word in the Bible. Look for any phrase. If you can remember any part of a verse, the computer can find the rest. Even a "wildcard" search can get you to the exact verse you want to find. Choose any range of verses to be included in the search.
Searching for a Concept
Sometimes, specific words are not enough. You may remember the idea but not the exact words. Choose a list of synonyms for the word from the built-in Bible Thesaurus. The search can be as narrow as a single word or as broad as you need to find the exact verse you want.
Concordance Format
The results of each search can be displayed in the familiar format of a concordance with the search phrase highlighted. You can click on any verse in the concordance to see the full text of the verse found.
Copying the Verses Found
The results of each search can be copied to the clipboard and pasted into your word processor for including those verses in your lesson text.
Word Frequency
Many themes of the Bible text are determined by what words were emphasized by each author. Pick any portion of the Bible and count every word occurrence.
Color Mark
You can mark the Bible text with an array of primary colors to identify key words.
Bookmarks can be placed on key verses so you never lose your place.
This chart displays the sequence of major events and characters so you can easily see how each person or event fits in the flow of history.
The most valuable resource for studying the Bible (other than the Bible itself) is a dictionary. A Bible dictionary is a special form of dictionary. It defines the special meanings given to words when used in the Bible. Common words are not included because their meaning is the same in Scripture as when used elsewhere. Select a word in the Bible and click the Dictionary button to read about the historical background and Biblical usage that help you understand the language used in the Bible.
A Verse List is a powerful tool for creating a library of research materials. The information you collect over many years of Bible study can be permanently stored for cross reference and review. A Verse List may include any references you choose, such as all verses which contain specific words, or specific phrases, or a common topic. A Verse List may contain the references of all verses for a specific Bible study discussion. A Verse List is a permanent copy of your current Bible study efforts. As you use the Verse Lists more and more, your library of study resources will grow larger and more comprehensive.
Maps show where key events occurred and how major nations, cities, rivers, mountains and geographical regions are related. Select any geographic term and click the Map button to display a map with that location automatically marked.
Librarian also includes a text editor for writing your lessons and copying the Bible text directly into your lesson document. Your lesson documents can be saved in a library and reviewed or printed any time.
This daily schedule guides you in an organized reading through the Bible each year. Pick any day and follow the Old Testament and New Testament readings to pace your devotional time to cover the entire Bible in a reasonable time.
Charles Spurgeon had great mastery of the English language and a shepherd's heart. From his many writings have been gathered the devotional thoughts of a giant of the Christian faith.
It's just like writing your comments in the margin of your Bible. Select any verse and click on the Comments button. Your comments will always be there to remind you of what you discovered in past studies.
An outline is one of the simplest forms of study tools. It gives structure to the text and identifies the key thoughts in each passage. Some portions of the Bible form an obvious outline when the primary thoughts are easily identified and the supporting arguments are easily correlated. Other portions contain collections of thought that are not necessarily structured or can be structured in a variety of ways. Every attempt has been made to assign each portion of the Bible to an outline form that would assist your study. Because there may be other views, the outlines can be modified as you study.
TOPICS is a topical Bible. It is a collection of Verse Lists created using Librarian that cross reference the Bible by subject. Verse Lists are included for over 200 of the most significant topics discussed within the Bible. They are directly accessible by Librarian for display or printing of the verses of the Bible that deal with a common topic.
PEOPLE is a collection of Verse Lists created using Librarian that cross reference the Bible by characters. Verse Lists are included for over 140 people most frequently referenced in the Bible. They are directly accessible by Librarian for display or printing of the verses of the Bible that deal with that person.
The units of measure and weight in the Bible are often unfamiliar to many readers. This chart converts unfamiliar terms to today's English to give you better perspective on what the Bible verse says.
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